Use the 70:20:10 Learning Model

Using the 70:20:10 breakdown, can help your employees to choose personal and professional development goals and better identify how they can effectively learn the skills they’d like to build.

The 70:20:10 describes a proportional breakdown of learning sources to help maximise learning. It explains that individuals acquire:

  • 70% of their knowledge from experience. For example, job-related or life experiences.
  • 20% of their knowledge from others. For example, interacting with peers and social learning.
  • 10% of their knowledge from organised courses, such as online or face to face training courses.

While using structured courses is important, this year you should also place emphasis on helping your employees use and practice their new-found skills during their day-to-day role. Additionally, you should help them engage in social learning with their peers, for example mentoring or job shadowing. Both of these will help to reinforce any courses they have taken, ensuring they can make use of all the skills they are developing.

Přečtěte si také další články na našem webu.

Mgr. Jakub Nosek, MBA, ACC ( je business mentor a management konzultant s téměř 16 lety zkušeností v oblasti poskytování služeb zaměřených na výkon, rozvoj a zvyšování efektivity jednotlivců i firem. Je zaměřen na rozvoj společností, zvýšení efektivity a motivaci pracovníků. Je aktivním účastníkem (poradcem, mentorem, porotcem) v různých akcelerátorech, start-up soutěžích a dalších programech podporujících rozvoj nových projektů a také hodnotitelem mnoha dotačních programů v České republice i Evropské unii.

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