
​Mgr. Jakub Nosek, MBA, ACC
​Management consultant
Business mentor & performance coach
Interim manager

+420 603 220 007


… open for new challenges in business consulting&mentoring, investments (BA, VC, PE) and start-ups development!

What I can do for you

  • earn more money
    • to improve internal processes and to introduce performance management
    • to develop the right development strategy for your company and people development
    • to set a system of performance management
  • help you to find your path and accompany you on the way
    • definition of goals (company, managers, personal)
    • coaching on your path, support for achieving goals
    • introducing a performance management system
  • transfer a lot of business experiences from different industries
    • internal processes optimization
    • project management (especially multiprojects-multitasks)
    • a company performance management settings (Strategy maps, EFQM etc.)
    • strategy development (Lean Canvas, business plans etc.)


  • Business mentoring
    • start-ups – strategy design, company development, finance management
    • SMEs performance management – redesign of internal organization/processes, focus on performance and delivering results
    • managers and team leaders – delivering results, leadership, personal efficiency, time management, project management, budgeting
  • Strategic management – design of Lean Canvas, business plans, Balanced Scorecard, EFQM etc.
  • Company turnarounds – strategy design, process redefinition and optimization, people & teams performance management
  • Financing – Horizon2020 and other support programs + angel investors & VCs investment proposals


  • Winner of European Space Agency Coopernicus Masters 2017 – OctoGeo (business mentor)
  • Winner of Impact Hub 100 Day Challenge – Langino (business mentor)
  • Best Start-up Incubator in CEE in 2007

Membership & Organizations

  • International Coach Federation – Associate Certified Coach
  • Czech National Consultants Register – member
  • European Excellence Assessor – EFQM
  • C3 Growth Trainer – GFA Hamburg
  • Czech Benchmarking Index Consultant – CzechInvest / Winning Moves
  • European Mentoring Coaching Counsil member